Financial Management
DTrack offers a wide range of accounting features and solutions in its financial module. DTrack Financial at its core is comprised of the General Ledger, Sales and Receivables Purchases and Payables, Cash and Bank Management. Using the General Ledger journal postings alone may be enough for some business needs as it is capable of posting into the various sub-ledgers including Fixed Assets and Inventory. You can also create dynamic forms that can be used as Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, Proforma Invoices, Production Estimates, and so on. Each of these documents can be setup to go through a set of approval flow processes before they can be processed.
Take a look at some of the features below.

The General Ledger
The General Ledger Module facilitates and enhances updating of the GL accounts from various sub-ledgers and ultimately produces the company’s final accounts in real time.- Flexible & Multi-Level Chart of Account Maintenance
- Multi-Company facilities (with Consolidated Reports)
- Multi-Currency Capabilities (All other modules implement this same feature)
- Budgeting Facilities, Variance Analysis & Performance Reports
- Transactions Posting via Journals
- Automatic posting of recurring transactions at month ends
- Financial Reports Generation (User Customizable)
- Trial Balance Generation
- Transactions Listing by Accounts
- Up-To-Date-Account Balances
- Historical Balances
- Accepts data from external sources
- Full Integration with other Modules of DTrack
Cash and Bank Management
The Cash & Bank Module captures all cash and bank transactions and enables reconciliation of bank statements- Payments and Receipts
- Allocation of Receipts/Payments to Invoices
- Payment Requisition, Approval and Cancellation
- Printing of Allocation Journal
- Printing of Receipts
- Lodgements
- Cash Transfers
- Option to import bank statements for reconciliation
- Integration with payment systems
- Cheque Cancellation & Return
- Cheque Writing, Bank Confirmation
- Bank Charges, Interests, etc
- Transactions Listings
- Integration with the General Ledger
Sales & Receivables
The Accounts Receivable Module provides facilities for managing sales and monitoring customer accounts. It integrates with the Stock Control Module for the update of stock balances following sales- Customers Records Maintenance
- On-line Stock and Sundry Sales Order/Invoicing
- Sales Returns
- Point-of-Sale
- Transactions Listing
- Debtors Age Analysis (Summary & Detail)
- Customer Account Statements
- Sales Analysis & VAT Report
- Full Integration with the General Ledger & Stock Control
Purchases & Payables
The Accounts Payable Module provides facilities for monitoring Suppliers’ Accounts and integrates with the Stock Control Module for the update of stock balances following purchases- Supplier Records Maintenance
- Purchases/Purchase Orders processing
- Purchase Returns
- Transaction Listing
- Supplier Account Statements
- Creditors Age Analysis
- Suppliers Listing
- Full Integration with the General Ledger & Stock Control
Inventory Management
The inventory Control Module maintains stock items and movements. The is also capable of maintaining inventory by Personal Identification (PID). This is useful for inventory items you want to account for as individuals rather than by quantity. An example of this is Cars inventory which are identified by VIN.- Sales
- Stock Issues
- Stock Receipts
- Reorder Levels
- Stock Taking Facilities
- Stock Valuation, movement and a host of other reports
- Integration with General Ledger, Sales and Purchasing
Fixed Assets
The Fixed Assets Module provides facilities for the management of a company’s assets- Maintenance of Fixed Assets
- Depreciation Facilities
- Asset Additions
- Asset Disposals
- Asset Maintenance like repairs, fueling, etc.
- Generates Asset Schedules (in both detail and summary forms)
- Integrates with General Ledger & Cash Management Modules